Solihull Artist Nominated for New York Award

Passion for Freedom 2024
Solihull Editorial, Solihull Observer, May 12, 2024

Charlie Kirkham's work, The Four Rivers of Eden, has been put forward for the Visual Artist category in the Passion for Freedom Awards 2024.

Her piece, which is on display at the at Seven House Gallery in Brooklyn, New  York is an ink drawing that has been described as 'exploring the moment humanity are expelled from the Garden of Eden due to discovering free will.'

Charlie said "I am delighted to be nominated for the Passion for Freedom (VIsual Arts) award alongside so many other talented artists."

It forms part of the Passion for Freedom 15th anniversary festival which asks questions about freedom of expression, censorhip in the arts and uses art to encourage dialogue. 

Over the years the festival has exhibitied censored artists from 60 counrties including like Mimsy, AI Wei Wei and Malala across the world inclduing London, Denmark and Poland.