Annual Open Exhibition of the prestigious
Society of Graphic Fine Art (SGFA)
5 – 10 July 2021, Mall Galleries, London
In celebration of Fine Art Drawing
The SGFA was first established in 1919 to ‘further the interests of British and Colonial artists who produce, in monochrome, examples of sound draughtsmanship in pencil, pen-and -ink, chalk, charcoal, water or oil colour, monotype, silverpoint, dry-point, and in the various methods of engraving on metal, wood, stone etc.’ This original ethos remains at the very heart of the society today, promoting fine drawing skills in both traditional and contemporary media, as well as encouraging the use of colour and non-figurative art.
With drawing comes freedom; of thought, of expression, of love and enthusiasm for something and a desire to communicate this to others. Whether sweeping vistas or intimate spaces, traditional or contemporary techniques, everything in the forthcoming annual SGFA open exhibition is an exquisite representation of this freedom by highly talented artists – including many well known and internationally collected names - all passionately invested in promoting drawing excellence.
The UNLOCKED Exhibition will take place at the prestigious Mall Galleries, London.
For more information on demonstrations and details of current membership and events, see www.sgfa.org.uk
Private View: Tuesday 6th July 2021, 6 – 8pm. Please email enquiries@sgfa.org.uk